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Technology and R&D Funding Trends in the Wind Sector

EF Technology Watch Webinar Series, 23rd July 2020

Smart materials, advanced manufacturing, data science applications, artificial intelligence, floating 
offshore systems and autonomous robotics are a few examples of emerging technologies that can shape the future wind sector and help maximising its potential.

Elettricità Futura, the leading power sector Association in Italy, has organised the Webinar Technology and R&D Funding Trends in the Wind Sector, on July 23rd from 10:30 to 12:00, to reflect on technology trends, R&D funding opportunities and how technology can help the wind sector strive in the aftermath of the COVID-19 emergency and pursue the European Green Deal ambitions.
The discussion will see the participation of WindEurope - the main European wind energy Association, ANEV - the Italian Wind Energy Association, and leading market players: Enel Green Power, ERG and Windfor, a company of Falck Renewables.


Andrea Zaghi, General Director, Elettricità Futura

Introduction and Moderation
Nigel Hawkins, Head of European Affairs and Studies, Elettricità Futura

Keynote speech on wind technology trends and presentation of the EF Technology Watch Newsletter – July 2020 Issue                                                                                          Alessio Cipullo, European Affairs and Studies, Elettricità Futura

Keynote speech on R&D European funding streams and opportunities
Alexander Vandenberghe, Advisor Research & Innovation, WindEurope

Panel Session:

  • Alessio Cipullo, Elettricità Futura
  • Davide Astiaso Garcia, ANEV
  • Marco Guarneroli, General Manager Windfor, a company of Falck Renewables
  • Giancarlo Potenza, Enel Green Power
  • Gianluca Teodori, ERG
  • Alexander Vandenberghe, WindEurope

Q&A with audience

The webinar slides and the video recording are available here



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