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Policy / Emissioni climalteranti, tutela ambientale ed economia circolare / 02-12-2020

Aggiornamento del sistema di scambio di quote di emissione dell'UE (ETS)

Commissione Europea - Osservazioni di Elettricità Futura all’Inception Impact Assessment - Ares(2020)6081850 sulla proposta di revisione del meccanismo rispondente agli obiettivi ambientali dell'UE, 26 novembre 2020

General comments

Elettricità Futura welcomes a revision aimed at strengthening the EU ETS, in line with the enhanced climate targets. This effort requires a coordinated strategy, where carbon pricing evolves in synergy with other policy instruments. In the next 10 years, the GHG emissions of the power sector are expected to decrease, supporting a parallel strengthening of the LRF. This measure would make the market more efficient and stable, thus limiting the price volatility and optimizing the current shock management tools, such as MSR. The latter should be reviewed with a focus on the alignment of the upper and lower thresholds with lower cap, the need of increased intake rates and the compatibility of cancellation thresholds with an increased LRF. Requirements on emission data should be cleared; a more frequent communication of the emission data (currently communicated once per year) could provide an almost real time view of the system functioning and of the main market indicators.




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