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Policy / Emissioni climalteranti, tutela ambientale ed economia circolare / 08-02-2021

Aggiornamento del sistema di scambio di quote di emissione dell'UE (ETS)

Commissione Europea - Osservazioni di Elettricità Futura alla consultazione pubblica sulla proposta di revisione del meccanismo rispondente agli obiettivi ambientali dell'UE, 5 febbraio 2021

The European Green Deal, adopted by the Commission in December 2019, has tackling climate change and reaching the objectives of the Paris Agreement and other environmental issues (including addressing air pollution) at its core. The 2050 climate neutrality objective, which the Commission proposed in 2018 and the European Council and Parliament endorsed, is one of its central elements. The Commission has proposed to enshrine climate neutrality into EU law. In order to set the EU on a sustainable path to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, the Commission has proposed in the Communication on stepping up the EU’s 2030 climate ambition an EU-wide, economy-wide net greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of at least 55% in 2030 (compared to 1990).
Building on the existing 2030 legislation and the Communication on stepping up the EU’s 2030 climate ambition, the Commission will review and propose to revise, where necessary, the key relevant legislation by June 2021. This will include a coherent set of changes to, notably, the EU Emissions Trading System Directive, the Effort Sharing Regulation and the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) Regulation, CO2 Emissions Performance Standards for Cars and Vans and, the Renewable Energy Directive and the Energy Efficiency Directive.




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