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Policy / Transizione energetica e procedure autorizzative

Revisione Direttiva Europea (EU) 2018/2001, il contributo di EF

Commissione Europea – Osservazioni di Elettricità Futura all’Inception Impact Assessment sugli orientamenti del riesame della REDII rispondente agli obiettivi ambientali dell'UE (21/09/2020)

General considerations

Elettricità Futura welcomes an overall review of the European energy and climate legislation: improving the effectiveness of the policy framework is a crucial step to better pursue ambitious decarbonization targets, in line with the European Green Deal (EGD). The ongoing REDII impact assessment is part of this wide review process, which should include the Internal Market for Electricity Directive and Regulation as well as the EU competition law, due to the high interdependence between international market and energy policies. The review of state aid, market liberalization and competition policies are also needed to adjust the current market environment to a deep decarbonization strategy. The climate change challenge needs a series of policy actions and coordinated effort at the global, regional and national scale to mainstream the deployment of RES, electrification of final consumption, energy efficiency measures and the smart sector integration. The RED II presents relevant synergies with other directives, regulations and strategies, linked to Energy Efficiency, Energy Performance of Buildings, Electricity, Mobility and ETS. Besides it is necessary to undertake a harmonized review of the Renewable energy Directive with the other strategies and legislative initiatives in the energy, climate field and circularity of economy, in order to provide a clear, consistent and stable framework to support the transition.




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